Targets & Decoys

Aerojet Rocketdyne designs and produces sophisticated ballistic and cruise missile targets that replicate key characteristics of adversary threats to provide realistic testing and verification of missile defense and air defense systems. Our products include a variety of suborbital launch vehicles, reentry vehicles, propulsion systems and launch systems that play a critical role in the development of air and missile defense systems, including THAAD, PAC-3 and Aegis.

Aerojet Rocketdyne Coleman Aerospace, a subsidiary of Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc., is a leading target system prime integration contractor that has developed and launched more than 30 complex, high-fidelity ballistic missile targets. AR Coleman’s modular target system product line has included the Hera, Short Range Air Launch Target (SRALT), Long Range Air Launch Target (LRALT), Extended Long Range Air Launch Target (ELRALT) and Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) target vehicles that range in capability from 300 km to more than 3,000 km. AR Coleman is expanding current target capabilities to support missile defense testing to address emerging advanced threats.

In addition to the products and services provided by AR Coleman Aerospace, Aerojet Rocketdyne is a leading supplier of propulsion systems and components that support other target and decoy systems, including the variable flow ducted rocket (VFDR) that powers the GQM-163A Coyote Supersonic Sea Skimming Target, and the solid rocket motor for the Nulka active missile decoy, which is a highly effective defense system for ships to protect against modern, anti-ship missiles.