At Aerojet Rocketdyne our Rocket Values are fundamental to who we are and how we run our business.

Our Framework Values are Customer Focus, Ethics & Compliance, Quality, and Safety, Health & Environment. Our Shared Values are Accountability, Adaptability, Excellence, Integrity and Teamwork.

At Aerojet Rocketdyne, we believe that doing what's right is more than just obeying laws and regulations. We hold ourselves to a high ethical standard even when the law doesn't require it. Our Code of Conduct guides our day-to-day business activity. We require all employees, contractors, and Board members to abide by our Code.

Values Champions

"Our people power our success."

This is especially true when it comes to those who best embody our Shared Values. The Values Champions profiled on the Rocket Values site have distinguished themselves for their service and integrity and represent the very best of us. Read the inspiring stories of these leaders and join Aerojet Rocketdyne in celebrating them.

Our Culture

"The Time is Now"

Aerojet Rocketdyne's culture combines engineering rigor with a can-do attitude to tackle some of the toughest problems in aerospace and defense. This spirit is embodied in our people: From the factory floor to the executive suites, everyone knows their contribution counts. Through our values and our strong commitment to ethics, we strive to deliver superior value to our customers, shareholders, employees, communities, and partners.